Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Reflections of Restless Ratiocinations: IF I COULD BE

Random Reflections of Restless Ratiocinations: IF I COULD BE: "This will surely require some explaining. I do mean that say “if I could be superman I will change” … or “if I could be someone else I will ..."
This is a good literary composition. Imagining, visualising and day-dreaming are good for one's happiness and in inducing creative thinking. Well done! Shekhar.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Theist and Atheist

One who believes in God and the one who does not - besides these two, there is a third category of persons. For this class of people, I don't have a single epithet; you may call them believers who do not really believe. A vast majority of people belong to the third category.
Many of us proudly declare ourselves as God-loving and God-fearing persons, yet in our actions we hide our deeds from Him, act in an arbitrary manner, forgetting that God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. It is this vast majority of people who are responsible for for the sufferings of the common man.
Both the true believers and the true non-believers do not harm others. The atheist, in my opinion, is a very noble person because instead of believing in God he believes in himself. In the final analysis, faith in one's own self is, in effect, faith in God. Those who call themselves theists because they perform 'Yagyas', offer prayers and 'namaaz' without listening to their inner voice are doing great harm to themselves. A true believer in God is a lover of his fellow beings, kind and liberal. Love of God is the real source of happiness. The Sufi, the devotional singer like Mira and Tukaram experienced this happiness. You cannot convert a non-believer into a believer, and vice versa, by logic and arguments. It is a matter of personal experience. Thereis nothing more convincing and scientific than your own experience.
Let there be more and more of true theists and true atheists.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The most lasting Relatioship

I look around myself, my relatives and my friends and I notice that most of us, of my age group are lonely. We all have married and have sons and daughters. Now the sons and daughters have their own families. They cannot look after their own children and at the same time devote some time to their parents. The irony of the situation is that these young men and women are neither selfish nor lack concern for the elders; they simply cannot be much helpful. They have to devote considerable time to their professions and money earning activities. They have to plan about the education, professional training of their kids. They also need sometime for their spouses. The elders who have nostalgic memories of the good old days of joint families are dismayed at the lifestyle of today.
Now most of us find ourselves left with our wives/ husbands. These seniors have their own houses, their own cars and other mdern amenities; but are lonely and insecure. Thus the wife-husband relationship is the most lasting and enduring. But what about old widows and old widowers? May God help them.


I was born '36; my son '63; I am74; my son 47.