Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who is lucky?

There are two brothers who are my close relatives. The elder brother is a retired Chief Engineer, the younger is Vice President in a multinational company. The elder's wife is Professor of Psychology in a well known University. First, about the elder brother - he has (had) two issues, a daughter and a son. The daughter was pretty, smart and charming; was married to a very good boy of her choice. She had a two year old daughter. She died on 11th of this month of Hepatitis. Her husband, her father-mother are emotionally ruined and are unable to come to terms with the harsh reality, that is death. She was only 32 years old when she died. Her brother is settled in the USA with his wife.

The younger brother has just one issue, a daughter. He brought her up as a princess. She got married two years back, but within a year divorced her husband. She is living in Istanbul and working there as a school teacher. To my mind excessive care and protection made her a 'spoilt child' and a rebel against her parents. Now she does not even want to see her parents. The rich and prosperous parents are heart broken on account of their only child.

Can we call any of these brothers lucky? Shakespeare had rightly remarked, 'Never call a man lucky till you have seen his last day.'

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